The coaching process
Coaching is a process of 1) awareness, 2) action, and 3) accountability to yourself. Coaching helps you to develop awareness of your strengths. Awareness leads to action.
For the inhabitants of La Palma, the volcanic eruption had dramatic consequences. And these can still be felt today. Many people had to leave their homes, some friends lost their houses forever, others are still not allowed back. The volcanic eruption was a sudden reminder of how unpredictable nature is. For months a constant background noise, buildings and dozens of kilometres of road were buried by the lava.
I, too, had to fear for my La Palma. When I returned to the island in November 2021, it was no longer the island I had left for a short time in September shortly before the volcano erupted. I was torn between admiration and respect for the force of nature. But what fascinated me most was the cohesion of the people and how organised and disciplined everything was. But also the courage despite the many physical and psychological damages, the determination to carry on, to rebuild, to celebrate and not to let the joy of life be taken away.
In the meantime, a lot has happened: a connecting road from north to south has been built, log cabins have been built for families and the ashes from the buried houses and roads are still being cleared away. I also feel the presence of the volcano every day, on the one hand through the breathtaking view from my terrace and on the other hand through the daily sweeping of the volcanic ash that penetrates into the house through every crack, no matter how small.
La Palma still magically attracts many people, on the one hand to continue enjoying the beautiful mountain landscape and the great beaches, but meanwhile also to discover the newly created volcanic landscape.
After the volcanic eruption, there is hope and despair on La Palma. "La Isla Bonita", it is called by the locals, "the beautiful island". Volcanic eruptions have made it what it is. I've been back here since September 2022 and wouldn't want to miss my beautiful island. In the evenings, I often enjoy the beautiful sunsets on the west side while dancing at the many fiestas, and in the mornings I greet the sun as it pours great light over the mountain tops down the Aridane Valley. It is especially at these times that my yoga practice is at its best.
Yours Violetta
Coaching is a process of 1) awareness, 2) action, and 3) accountability to yourself. Coaching helps you to develop awareness of your strengths. Awareness leads to action.
„Very urgent!“ „Extremely urgent!“ „Please do it now!“ - These kinds of „requests“ are already commonplace today - whether justified or not!
Simply magical. Simply pure nature. Just BE.